Hand Permanent Nail Polish

Permanent Nail Polish: A Solution for Long-lasting Beauty

Nail care, an essential part of beauty and grooming routines, has gained even more importance in recent years with the application of ‘permanent nail polish’. Permanent nail polish provides a longer-lasting and glossy appearance compared to traditional polishes, making it an ideal solution for individuals with busy schedules who may not have time to constantly reapply nail polish.

What is Permanent Nail Polish?

Permanent nail polish is a nail decoration method that is applied and cured under UV or LED light, offering quick-drying and long-lasting durability without chipping or peeling. Unlike traditional polishes, permanent nail polish can remain flawless on nails for 2-3 weeks.

Application Process

The application process of permanent nail polish consists of several steps:

  1. Nail Preparation: The nail surface is cleaned with special solutions to ensure better adhesion of the polish.
  2. Base Coat: The first coat applied to the nail ensures better adhesion of the polish to the nail.
  3. Color Layer: The desired color polish is applied, usually in two coats.
  4. Top Coat: The final coat applied over the polish provides shine and extends the life of the polish.
  5. Drying: Each coat is cured under UV or LED lamp for a certain period.


  • Long-lasting Durability: Offers much longer wear time compared to traditional polishes.
  • Quick Drying: Dries quickly under UV/LED light, saving time.
  • Strong and Glossy Appearance: Provides a glossy and durable finish, resistant to scratching or peeling.
  • Variety: Offers a wide range of colors and patterns to choose from.


  • Application and Removal Process: Requires professional application and can be challenging to remove at home.
  • Nail Health: Frequent use may damage the nail surface, so it’s important to take breaks.


Permanent nail polish provides great convenience for those who want to keep up with the pace of daily life as part of modern nail care. However, like any beauty application, using permanent polish correctly and in moderation is important. Remember to take care of your nails between applications and give them the necessary breaks to maintain nail health.

Permanent nail polish is a nail paint that is hardened under UV or LED light and thus stays on the nails for much longer than normal nail polishes. Compared to traditional nail polishes, permanent nail polish does not scratch or peel easily and retains its shine for a long time.

Permanent nail polish application usually involves the following steps: preparing the nails, applying a base coat, applying the chosen color nail polish in two coats, applying a top coat, and drying each coat under a UV or LED lamp.

The advantages of permanent nail polish include long-term durability, fast drying, various color and pattern options and a strong shine. These features provide great convenience, especially for people with busy lifestyles.

Permanent nail polish is generally harmless when applied correctly and with regular care for the nails. However, frequent and long-term use can damage the natural structure of nails. Therefore, it is important to take breaks from time to time to maintain nail health.

Permanent nail polish is usually removed by softening it with an acetone-based solvent and then carefully scraping it from the nail surface. This procedure should be done in a professional nail salon, as incorrect application can damage the nails.

To get up-to-date and detailed information about permanent nail polish prices, you can call our Este Rita Beauty Salon or have us call you by filling out the form on our website.

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