Classic Skin Care
It is the whole process of meeting our skin's need for vitamins, minerals and oxygen, maintaining sebum balance, and eliminating acne and pimples on the skin.
Medical Skin Care
It is a set of applications performed by targeting each layer of the skin separately for sensitive skin types together with dermo cosmetic products.
American Skin Care
Skin care has become an essential part of beauty and health routines in America. American skin care offers a wide range of products blended with science and innovation.
Stain Applications
It is the process of purifying and removing sun or aging-related spots on the surface of the skin. It creates controlled traumas on the surface of the skin, causing the damaged skin to peel off and allowing the formation of new skin underneath.
Moisture Care
It is the process of providing the moisture needed by dry skin with serums such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin E and vitamin B. In this way, you can have a more vibrant and radiant skin.
Acne Care
Our skin is a reflection of our health, and sometimes this reflection manifests itself on the surface in an unpleasant way – acne. Although acne is most common among teenagers, adults can also experience this skin problem.
Oxygen Therapy
It is one of the most effective methods in combating wrinkles. It is the process of providing the skin with the oxygen necessary to revitalize, renew itself and make the skin look brighter, as it plays a primary role in the skin's self-renewal.
Wrinkle Care
It is the process of removing large and small lines on the skin surface due to aging or the intensity of facial movements by allowing the skin to renew itself.
Revitalizing Care
While it helps improve your skin texture, it eliminates the negativities caused by aging and makes the skin look more colorful and vibrant.
Pore Care
It is the process of removing pores that permanently form on the skin in a controlled manner as a result of problems that damage the skin such as chickenpox, acne, and acne.
Detailed Skin Analysis
Cildin gözle görülemeyen katmanlarında oluşan pigment, UV lekesi, sebum bozuklukları, akne merkezleri, olası yaşlılık lekeleri gibi olumsuz tabloları görmemizi sağlayan üstün teknolojik cilt görüntüleme ve analiz etme işlemidir.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Skin Care
High-pressure oxygen skin care, which was first applied in Este Rita in Turkey and sends 98% of the oxygen needed by the skin under the skin, is a practice that ensures renewal, revitalization, rejuvenation and increased blood circulation in the skin.
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