Tripolar Radio Frequency

What is Tripolar Radio Frequency?

By using Tripolar Radio Frequency energy, wrinkle removal, cellulite treatment, collagen production, breakdown of fat molecules, increasing blood circulation and activation of the lymph system are provided by creating heat in a controlled manner in certain layers of the skin.

Thanks to the Tripolar Radio Frequency energy, the fat molecules under the skin are heated between 50-60 degrees, allowing the membranes of the fat cells to break down and become free. Thanks to the same heat, it activates the blood circulation and lymph system and realizes the excretion of the released fat molecules from the body. It is used to remove cellulite on the surface of the skin. At the same time, it strengthens the muscle and connective tissue and supports the production of collagen, so it also fulfills the lifting, tightening and shaping task.
It is also very effective in eliminating sagging caused by the removal of fat molecules from the body. Tripolar Radio Frequency energy, which is one of the most important non-surgical slimming procedures, is a non-invasive application.
Drinking plenty of water before and after the application accelerates the rapid removal of the broken down fat molecules from the body with oil, sweat and tears.
Visible dimensional thinning and volumetric reduction is achieved from the first session.

Applications of Tripolar Radio Frequency result in – Pain and discomfort – FALSE – No pain and discomfort – TRUE – No effect is seen in the first session – FALSE – Effects start to be seen from the first session – TRUE – Redness and bruising on the skin occur – FALSE – No redness and bruising on the skin – TRUE – The fats lost are regained – FALSE – The fats lost are not regained – TRUE

Tripolar Radio Frequency is applied to everyone over the age of 18, except pregnant women, people with heart and blood pressure disorders and people undergoing active chemotherapy treatment.

There should not be any metal (such as piercing) in the body during Tripolar Radio Frequency applications.

Tripolar Radio Frequency applications

– Abdomen, Waist, Arm, Belly, Back, Back, Side Bagels, Hips, Inner Thighs, Buttocks, Jowl, Hips, Neck, Cheek, Face, Groin,

regions of the country.

Tripolar Radio Frequency is not applied to people under the age of 18, pregnant women, people with heart and blood pressure disorders and people undergoing active chemotherapy treatment.

Tripolar Radio Frequency applications are effective from the first session.
Visible effect, volumetric shrinkage and dimensional thinning are observed from the first session.

It may vary from person to person.
According to the year of fat formation
By region
According to the person’s diet
According to the amount of movement of the person
According to daily calorie consumption
According to the amount of water you drink
According to sleep patterns
According to alcohol consumption
According to body mass index
By age
may differ.

During Tripolar Radio Frequency applications, temporary slight redness may be seen in the treated area. These redness are not permanent. It passes within 4-6 hours. There may be short-term irritation on the skin.
Apart from these, there are no side effects.

Tripolar devices used in Radio Frequency applications are not trained, inexperienced, in operations performed by persons or persons

– Failure to get results

– Burning of the skin

– Burns on the skin

– Skin irritation

such negative consequences may occur.
In order not to face such situations, it is extremely important to prefer businesses that have experts, certified devices and experienced estheticians.

For up-to-date and detailed information about Tripolar Radio Frequency prices, you can call our Este Rita Beauty Salon or fill out the form on our website and let us call you.

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